Being stuck inside during the coronavirus definitely isn’t ideal (however, necessary at this point). This is especially the time to practice self care. Use these tips to stay calm + grounded and help avoid cabin fever.
Of course stay up to date with credible news sources and health officials. However, obsessing over every detail, checking news sites and getting sucked into YouTube videos isn’t healthy. Stay up to date, but limit this type of online time.
This is literally what it was made for – let’s start using it again as so. Practicing social distancing is keeping us apart (for good reason, we need to do this in order to slow down the virus), but we live in this incredible age of technology, so let’s take advantage. In a world where we’re so disconnected, this is our time to get together, even if it’s via FaceTime.
If you’re an entrepreneur, take advantage of this time. I know TONS of educators and coaches coming together to give huge discounts on their services or offer up their time to help others. Masterminds are being held, free zoom calls for advising business plans and website critiques are being given. This is a time we can come together and open our hearts using our individual skills. Keep in mind, we’re all affected by this in different ways, but we’re ALL being affected by this.
If you have extra time, now is the PERFECT time to pick up or restart a hobby that fizzled out. Maybe you wanted to try knitting or sewing. Maybe you want to start working out again. Maybe you bought a coffee table you said you were going to repurpose years ago that’s still sitting in your garage. This is the time to learn, grow, and make the most of this time.
Not only will it help pass the time a bit, it’ll also keep your mind off the current events. More importantly, you have a chance to grow yourself and your knowledge if choosing a non-fiction subject, or escape and enjoy a new world of new characters. I’m also working to set a daily reading schedule to stay on top of my reading goals!
If you’re living with others, it’s going to be difficult to share a small space. Set aside times to hang out together, and alone. Set up a schedule for your day even though you’re at home. Write out your tasks for the day and come up with a time schedule for everything. Write out when you’re going to work. Write out your breaks. Write out the time you’re going to spend together (actually together, no phones, no distractions), and time you’re going to spend alone to yourself in a separate room. If you’re working from home, set up a designated work area where you do nothing but work – no eating in that area, no working on taxes in that area, nothing but work. This will help you get work done and stay on track during this not so ideal time.
With the coronavirus out there, now is the perfect time to change up the space inside around you. Organize your closet + drawers, rearrange your furniture and hang up new art. Order some air plants (or real plants if you can keep them alive, unlike me). Getting a fresh new take on your space will really help you feel less confined. Download my COVID-19 Spring Cleaning Checklist to feel refreshed and ready for summer while we’re stuck inside!
If you’re stuck at home, try to make the most of your time. I hope these self care tips for coronavirus will help you stay calm and hopeful ♥